By now, you will have heard the good news that churches will be able to resume public MassesĀ from 4th July. This is welcome news for our parish and the wider church. On Friday we will receive written guidance from the Bishops' Conference. On Friday afternoon there will be a meeting of the Council of Deans with the Cardinal and auxiliary bishops, and next week we hope to hold a deanery meeting. In addition to these meetings, parish staff are meeting each day to prepare for this next important step.
We have much to do, and we will be looking for help again from parishioners. We are working hard and as fast as we can to make sure everything is in place to do this properly and safely. Please note that things will be different to how they were before the crisis, and we will all need to be generous in adapting our old habits to the new procedures. Everyone will be relying on the patience and cheerful cooperation of the whole parish. In the next week, we will be able to announce what date this parish will begin public Masses, how they will be organised, and at what times they will take place. Please see this statement from the Catholic archbishops in England for more information: