
Should I come to Mass or not?
While we would all love for everyone to come to Mass, we should all think about our own wellbeing and the good of other people. You should not come to Mass if you have symptoms or feel unwell in any way. You should not come to Mass if you are very elderly or have health conditions that may mean you are particularly vulnerable. Think carefully about how you will travel to church and whether you can get there and back safely. The obligation to hear Mass on Sundays is suspended until further notice.

How often can I come to Mass and when?
We are asking people to come to Mass once a week. That can be any Mass on any day. Sunday may be busier so come during the week if you can.

What will I have to do?
Everyone will be asked to wear a face covering (except for Holy Communion). You should bring your own face covering and take it away with you. The mask or covering should cover the nose and mouth and be fitted properly over the face. Everyone will be asked to use the hand gel on the way in and out. You should sit in the seats indicated with a green tick. Please don’t bring anything with you to leave behind other than your offering. Do not leave any litter or tissues.

What about social distancing?
We will follow the ‘1 metre plus’ rule. This means you must be prepared to wear the face covering. If there is a queue, stand at least 1 metre apart. At the end, you will be asked to leave your seats one row at a time. Please do not interact physically with other people.

What things will not be available?
There will be no access to the paper shop, repository, sacristy, parish centre or the parish office. There will be no tea or coffee. Please note there will be no access yet to the toilet in church, and the parish centre is closed. Please bear all these factors in mind before deciding whether you should come to church.

Will the car park be open?
Yes, the car park will be available, but you should think about walking if possible. If you get blocked in the car park there could be a problem if you or others cannot get into the church because it is full.

What will the Mass be like?
We will be following the instructions for Mass issued last week by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. These instructions are there to help keep the whole operation as safe as possible. Because we want to reduce the amount of time spent indoors, Mass will be shorter. There will be no singing or other ministries.

What will the procedure be for Holy Communion?
Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of Mass, on the way out of church. You will be asked to leave the church by the central aisle, beginning with the back rows. Those seated in the side aisles will come after the central pews are cleared. These people should walk to the front via the side aisles, and then up the central aisle. At the back of church, there will be a table between the priest and the communicant. You should remove your mask, stretch out your arms and receive the host on the hand in silence. The priest will not say anything and you should not say, ‘Amen’ or anything else. After receiving Holy Communion you should use the hand sanitiser and exit immediately by the central double doors.

What is the capacity inside the church?
The capacity in the church is approx. 60 places. This is for individuals or couples (counting couples as one place). If you are a family (more than 2 people) you should take one pew for the whole family group. Couples and families mean people who live in the same household – not extended families that live in different households.

What times will Mass be celebrated?
Monday-Friday: 12 noon & 6pm
Saturday: 4pm, 5pm, 6pm
Sunday: 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12 noon

The church will close after the last Mass on Sunday lunchtime and the other opening sessions in order to facilitate a thorough cleaning (between other Masses there will be a simpler cleaning procedure of the seating areas). We have designed the Mass times for a number of complex reasons including the cleaning schedule. This also helps facilitate the operation here and provide space for parishioners to attend. Please remember the Sunday obligation is suspended so every Mass throughout the week is equally acceptable for coming to church.

When will this begin?
Public Masses will begin on Monday 6th July 2020.

What about going to confession?
Confessions will begin this Saturday, 4th July, at 12 noon during the opening hours of the church. Thereafter, they will be on Saturdays at 2pm. Please use the hand gel on the way in to the church. You should wait in the benches on the side aisles. You should sit where there is a green tick, socially distanced. In the confessional room, the confessions will be heard at the screen only (not face to face). You should remain standing - do not kneel. Your confession should be brief and to the point. You should say your penance outside or on the way home – please do not return to the spaces in the church. Thank you.