Category: Believe

Celebrating together

Active participation in the Eucharist is a transforming experience. In our prayers, and that of the whole Church, we seek the transformation not only of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, but that the same Spirit transforms us also into the Body of Christ. But it does not end here...

Authentic Catholic spirituality is centred on communal celebration of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ so that we may go out into the world to live that mystery, refreshed and restored as agents of God’s love.  The Christian is called into a broken world to witness to and work for the coming of the Kingdom of God. The Eucharist must feed those who celebrate: for their work in the healing of relationships, in the promotion of peace and justice, and in the proclamation of the Good News.

Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, Celebrating the Mass 16-17

Faithful to the Lord’s command to his disciples to ‘Take and eat,’ ‘Take and drink,’ the assembly completes the Eucharistic action by together eating and drinking the elements consecrated during the celebration. It is most desirable that the faithful share the chalice. Drinking at the Eucharist is a sharing in the sign of the new covenant (see Luke 22:20), a foretaste of the heavenly banquet (see Matthew 26:29), a sign of participation in the suffering Christ (see Mark 10:38-39). The Communion procession expresses the humble patience of the poor moving forward to be fed, the alert expectancy of God’s people sharing the Paschal meal in readiness for their journey, the joyful confidence of God’s people on the march toward the promised land. This action of walking solemnly in procession, together with a reverent bow before we receive Communion is our sign of reverence in preparation for receiving Communion.

cf Celebrating the Mass 180, 187

Things to do

• Take stock. How do you pray before going to receive Holy Communion?

 • How mindful and careful are you of others in the Holy Communion procession?

 • Do you respond clearly and firmly to the minister: ‘The Body of Christ: Amen.’ ‘The Blood of Christ: Amen.’

 • Do you take care to pray in thanksgiving afterwards?

• Read and reflect on the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet (John 13: 1–15).

Do what I have done for you…Use this time of prayer to reflect on how you are united with Jesus in your daily life and how you share in his ministry.