Parish Team
Latest News
- Sunday 23rd February. Seventh Sunday of the Year
- Sunday 23rd February. Please Pray For
- Sunday 16th February. Sixth Sunday of the Year
- Sunday 16th February. Please Pray For
- Sunday 9th February. Fifth Sunday of the Year
- Sunday 9th February. Please Pray For
- Sunday 2nd February. The Presentation of the Lord
Prayer Intentions
Those who are unwell, including:
Callum Stone, Donal Kennedy, Lidia Solari, Fabio Amato, Veronica Keville, Angela Mangan, John Quattromini, Marie Coutinho, Andrea Jordan, Ifte Alam, Nadim Alam, Sheila Casey, Emma Lake, Guido Fichera, James Brady, Theresa Dillon, Lawrence Robinson, Luisa Busandri, Martin Donoghue, Kath Joyce, Lucy Jones, Megan O’Brien, Hannah Fennell, Alison Hughes, Phyliss Morgan-Fann, Silveria Vieira Papel, and Kay Heery.
All those who have died recently, including:
Dermot Ryan, Fr John Buckley, Josie Morris, Martin Flanaghan, Nora O’Donoghue, Alda D’Costa, Sabina Barry, and Giuseppa Sauchella.