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- Written by Edoardo Albert
- Category: News
Despite the heat, Fr David completed the course, running the 2018 London Marathon in aid of the Catholic Children's Society (Westminster). You can still support him here.
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- Written by Edoardo Albert
- Category: News
Fr David is running the London Marathon on Sunday 22 April in aid of Catholic Children's Society (Westminster). You can support him here. And if you take any photos of him running, send them to us and we'll put them up on the website!
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
Well done to our new Confirmation candidates who began their preparation and formation last weekend. They were enrolled to receive the sacrament during the 6pm Mass last Saturday. Please keep them in your prayers. Today we keep the Third Sunday of Lent. The Parable of the Fig Tree is a reminder to us to embrace now, rather than delay, the opportunities that Lent and God’s grace offer us. Next weekend will be Laetare Sunday (the Fourth of Lent) which marks the mid-point of our journey, and it will also be Mothering Sunday. Have a wonderful Lenten week!
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
Today is Laetare Sunday and the Church bids us Rejoice! It is a moment of joy in the midst of our Lenten journey. Marked by rose vestments it reminds us that Easter is near, and offers a glimpse of the joy we will proclaim with the resurrection of our Lord. Similarly, Mothering Sunday, traditionally a day to visit one’s “mother church”, has become a time to honour all mothers for the love and care they have shown us. As we celebrate, let us rejoice in God’s love and give thanks for those who nurture our faith. May this day inspire us with gratitude to continue journeying towards Easter.
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
In the Gospel this Sunday we listen to Luke’s account of the Transfiguration. Often we live Lent as a dreary time, despite Christ’s warning to not parade our fasting in front of others, when it is actually a time of immense hope. The Transfiguration is a reminder of the work that God desires to do in our lives during this season. Christ came that we may see his glory, and may enter into a renewed relationship with the Trinity. Let us continue this time of Lent full of hope.