Despite the heat, Fr David completed the course, running the 2018 London Marathon in aid of the Catholic Children's Society (Westminster). You can still support him here.


Fr David is running the London Marathon on Sunday 22 April in aid of Catholic Children's Society (Westminster). You can support him here. And if you take any photos of him running, send them to us and we'll put them up on the website!

On Friday we had a lovely School Mass, in which we gave thanks to God for the academic year as it draws to an end, and sent our Year 6 pupils off with our prayers and best wishes. Can I thank all our parents, grandparents, teachers, staff and school governors for everything they have done for our school and the children over the past academic year. Whichever school you are involved with, I wish you all a very happy and safe break over the summer holidays. May God bless you all for your goodness.

Thank you to everyone who either organised or supported our lovely Afternoon Tea last Sunday, especially Janet - please see her message below. Fr Tom visited this week to meet with me and learn some initial information about the parish. Please keep him in your prayers. Congratulations to Maureen and Anton who were married in church on Friday afternoon in a lovely celebration - may God continue to bless them. This is the last weekend with church music before a summer break in August. Thank you to all our musicians and singers - enjoy your well earned rest. Finally, I’m off on holidays tomorrow (Monday). I look forward to seeing you all in the middle of August when I return. God bless you!

Today is the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today is also known as ‘Sea Sunday’ and is a day of special prayer for those who live, work or travel on sea. Please pray for those who support them, and especially the chaplaincy offered by Stella Maris. Today there will be a retiring collection for the Apostleship of the Sea. Thank you in advance.


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