Despite the heat, Fr David completed the course, running the 2018 London Marathon in aid of the Catholic Children's Society (Westminster). You can still support him here.


Fr David is running the London Marathon on Sunday 22 April in aid of Catholic Children's Society (Westminster). You can support him here. And if you take any photos of him running, send them to us and we'll put them up on the website!

We wish all children, young people, families, teachers and staff every blessing as they return to school and college this week. We hope you enjoyed the break. May God bless you all in your new beginnings.

Today is Fr Andrew’s last day with us as assistant priest. Can I take this chance on your behalf to thank him for all his work, and especially his devoted visiting to those who are housebound. We wish him well as he departs. This is only au revoir as I’m sure he will be back from time to time. Fr Tom Blackburn will arrive on  Thursday. Please pray for Fr Tom as he takes up his new ministry in our parish. Also, I apologise that there are no 8 am Masses this week as I thought there would be. Please bear with us. May God bless you all.

Welcome back once again if you have just returned from summer holidays. We hope that the new school year has got off to a great start for everyone involved, and we keep you all in our prayers. I was sorry not to be able to join in the special Mass on Wednesday morning at Finchley Catholic for the new Year 7s and parents but trust it all went well. Today we give a special welcome to Fr Tom Blackburn who joins our parish as the new assistant priest. He was ordained at the end of June in the cathedral. Over the coming weeks and months, Fr Tom will get to know us, as we get to know him, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will bestow many graces on us all through his priestly ministry which he now begins.

Tomorrow (Monday) is August Bank Holiday. Mass here will be at 10 am. Have a lovely day, and please remember that the Parish Office and Presbytery will be closed on Monday. There will be no 8am Masses this week.


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