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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
Please make a special effort to come into the hall today after all Masses for our Christmas Market event to support the parish and especially the work in the church. We have all kinds of fancy goods, gifts, cakes, a grand raffle, and so on. It promises to be a lovely weekend! Thank you to Janet and our volunteers for their time, energy and generosity.
Next weekend is the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new year in the Church’s calendar. We will begin Year C in the liturgical cycle, and we will also see the introduction of the new Lectionary for Mass. New Mass books will be available at the back of church for use at Mass.
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
Today is the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, the penultimate of the year. Next weekend we will celebrate Christ the King, the final Sunday in the Church’s calendar. Next Saturday at 6 pm Mass, our new choir for young people will sing for the first time. Thank you to our readers who came to the formation session which was on Saturday morning. Please pray for me on Friday as I will mark the sixteenth anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I only have another thirty years to go until I qualify for the Retired Priests’ Fund! Please do be generous this weekend to the priests who have served us so well for so long. May God bless you all this coming week and beyond.
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate the Feast of All Saints and then All Souls Day so well. May God bless you all. We hope everyone had a good half-term break, and wish you all well for the coming half-term which will lead us through November and Advent. Have a wonderful week ahead.
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
On Saturday 16th November the Church commemorates St Edmund Abingdon, the 12th Century Archbishop of Canterbury. Whenever the feasts of British saints arise, it is a fantastic opportunity to pray for all the people who live on this island, especially those who have abandoned their faith in Jesus Christ.
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- Written by Parish Office
- Category: Newsletters
This Friday, 1st November, is the solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation. Masses here will be at 8 am, 10 am and 7 pm. The car park will be open early on that day. There is no Friday Abstinence that day.
This coming Saturday, 2nd November, is All Souls Day: the commemoration of all the faithful departed. The Requiem Mass will be celebrated here at 11 am. During Mass, we will enthrone the Book of Remembrance and light candles for our loved ones who have gone to God. Please note that the afternoon Masses on Saturday will be the Vigil Masses for Sunday; the morning Mass is the one for All Souls.