Today is the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (also known as Corpus Christi) when we celebrate the gift of the Eucharist – the abiding and dynamic presence of the Risen Lord among us. This coming Friday is the lovely solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There is no Friday abstinence this week thanks to the Lord’s feast. We hope you had a nice half-term and wish you all every blessing.

Thank you to everyone who came to Fr Johnson’s Farewell Mass and social. It was lovely to say thank you to Father Johnson and to prepare to send him off with our best wishes and prayers. His leaving date has been put back slightly, and he will now go a week or two later. Thanks also to everyone for our Going Forth Mass celebrated last Sunday with the First Holy Communion children and families. Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and next Sunday is Corpus Christi (the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord). God bless you all.

Many congratulations to our young people who received their Confirmations on Friday. Thank you to everyone who helped them to this day, and to those who helped to prepare or celebrate the Mass, including Bishop John for presiding. Next weekend is Pentecost - the culmination of the Easter season and a day which marks the beginning of the age of the Church.

Today is Pentecost Sunday, a feast which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Church and which also marks the end of the Easter season. However, Pentecost is not about endings but beginnings. Please pray for the Church and for our parish, they we may be emboldened to continue the mission of the Christian life all the way to the end. Today at the 11.15 Mass we give thanks to God the gift of our recent First Holy Communions and send forth these young people to live the life of the Holy Spirit. Happy Pentecost!

This Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Ascension Thursday) and is a Holy Day. The Ascension marks the fortieth day of Easter time, when Our Lord was taken up to heaven. Masses here will be at 8am, 10am with the primary school joining us, and 7pm. The car park will be open for all Masses.


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