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Today is Laetare Sunday and the Church bids us Rejoice! It is a moment of joy in the midst of our Lenten journey. Marked by rose vestments it reminds us that Easter is near, and offers a glimpse of the joy we will proclaim with the resurrection of our Lord. Similarly, Mothering Sunday, traditionally a day to visit one’s “mother church”, has become a time to honour all mothers for the love and care they have shown us. As we celebrate, let us rejoice in God’s love and give thanks for those who nurture our faith. May this day inspire us with gratitude to continue journeying towards Easter.
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- Written by Parish Office
Well done to our new Confirmation candidates who began their preparation and formation last weekend. They were enrolled to receive the sacrament during the 6pm Mass last Saturday. Please keep them in your prayers. Today we keep the Third Sunday of Lent. The Parable of the Fig Tree is a reminder to us to embrace now, rather than delay, the opportunities that Lent and God’s grace offer us. Next weekend will be Laetare Sunday (the Fourth of Lent) which marks the mid-point of our journey, and it will also be Mothering Sunday. Have a wonderful Lenten week!
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In the Gospel this Sunday we listen to Luke’s account of the Transfiguration. Often we live Lent as a dreary time, despite Christ’s warning to not parade our fasting in front of others, when it is actually a time of immense hope. The Transfiguration is a reminder of the work that God desires to do in our lives during this season. Christ came that we may see his glory, and may enter into a renewed relationship with the Trinity. Let us continue this time of Lent full of hope.
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We had a wonderful start to Lent on Ash Wednesday which was a lovely day, full of faith. Now we begin the journey together that will lead us through to Holy Week and Easter. Today, on the First Sunday of Lent, we meet the Lord Jesus who is victorious over temptation in the wilderness. May we imitate his fasting and prayer during this time of grace and renewal, relying solely on God’s gifts.
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On Wednesday, the whole Church will begin the Lenten observance together. This year we begin Lent praying for the health and wellbeing of the Holy Father. Please continue to remember Pope Francis in your prayers. Please take a sheet from the church porch which outlines some of the themes that Lent presents to us. The sheet also outlines the times of Masses and services in Lent and Holy Week. We hope that everyone will make a good start to this special time of grace, and we know that the Lord will be with us as we share his journey that leads to the Cross and Resurrection. May God bless you all.
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Many of you will be aware that Pope Francis has spent the last week in hospital suffering with pneumonia in both lungs following a serious case of bronchitis. It is important that as Catholics we pray for the Pope because he is the successor of St Peter. In an unbroken succession, we can trace back his apostolic authority, back to Peter and to Christ, who commissioned Peter, just as he commissions each pope. Our Holy Father is an important link for us in faith. He represents the Lord for us, and he is a source of our unity. He is, as it were, a global father to the Church – not just a Holy Father, but a global father. He’s the Father of all peoples. In a particular way, he’s the father of every Catholic. Please pray at this time for Pope Francis’ health and for every strength and blessing for him.
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A massive thank you to all who enabled our celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes to be such a resounding success. It was beautiful to celebrate the gift of our patronal saint, and to welcome Bishop Curry who implored us to be pilgrims into hope during this Jubilee Year. We were also asked to pray for all those around the world who find themselves without hope for whatever reason, in particular for all those in places that are experiencing war at this time. Let us pray for them, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, and Patronal Saint, the Virgin Mary. As he previously mentioned, Fr David will be in Rome this week Monday to Thursday.
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Tuesday is our parish feast day. There will be Mass at 10am for the whole primary school as we celebrate our patronal feast. If you cannot come in the evening, you can join us at 10am. The special Mass for the whole parish will be on Tuesday evening at 7pm. This will be led by Bishop Jim Curry, and will be followed after Mass with a reception in the parish hall. Please join us for this special event.
Please see the notice above about Tuesday. The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes marks the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to St Bernadette at the Grotto of Massabielle on 11th February 1858. Tuesday is also the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Please keep this important intention in your prayers. I wish you all every blessing as we celebrate our special feast. Just a note to say that I will be in Rome from 17-20 February so there will be one Mass only on those days.
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Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, commemorating the moment Mary and Joseph brought their Son to the temple to be consecrated to the Father. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; when candles, which symbolise Christ our light, are blessed. This is also the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. Like candles, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Christ to all peoples. Let us pray for all who have consecrated themselves to God through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and especially those living in our parish.
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- Written by Parish Office
This Sunday the Church celebrates the Sunday of the Word of God, an initiative of Pope Francis to signify the importance of the Word of God in the daily life of every Christian. Our parishes and communities are called to have a living relationship with the scriptures, which is one way of God speaking to his Children. The Word of God is not only confined to a book: Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh and he speaks to us in many ways. The motto chosen by the Holy Father this year is a verse from Psalm 119, “I hope in your Word”. It is a cry of hope: in a moment of anguish, tribulation, and confusion, we cry out to God and put all our hope in him.
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- Written by Parish Office
The Wedding at Cana is the first of the signs performed by our Lord, at the behest of his Blessed Mother. The turning of water into wine is the experience of Christ taking something unspectacular and transforming it into something beautiful. In our lives we are in need of this transformation; Jesus has power to renew your marriage, family life, day-to-day tasks, and your faith. Ultimately however, this sign will find its completion on the Cross with his mother once more present. From the midst of suffering and misery, the blood of Christ is poured forth to give life in the face of death and open the path to eternal salvation.