This Thursday is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Ascension Thursday) and is a Holy Day. The Ascension marks the fortieth day of Easter time, when Our Lord was taken up to heaven. Masses here will be at 8am, 10am with the primary school joining us, and 7pm. The car park will be open for all Masses.

Well done to our children who celebrated First Confession last weekend, and many thanks to their parents, families and our catechists. This coming Saturday is First Holy Communion day: Masses at 11 am and 2 pm. Please pray for the candidates. It is always such a lovely day in the life of the parish. Thank you for your generosity towards the Priest Training Fund last weekend. There are some copies of the new Allen Hall Seminary News magazine available in the church porch—but there are not many, apologies! Have a wonderful week and may God bless you all.

On Monday it was announced in Rome that Pope Francis has appointed Mgr James Curry as a new Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, to join the Cardinal and the other bishops who serve in our diocese. Mgr Curry is currently the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Victories Parish, Kensington. Please keep him and the whole diocese in your prayers as he prepares for his Episcopal Ordination.

We continue our joyful journey through the Easter season. Easter isn’t just one day or even one week - it is a special season of fifty days which leads to the great feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost. Please keep on celebrating! I hope everyone had a good Easter holiday from school, college or work and send you all love and best wishes for the summer term which begins this week.

Today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, is Good Shepherd Sunday and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood. Please pray for Ashley, our own seminarian, who is currently completing his second year of formation (his first in Chelsea, as he was in Spain last year). Please also pray for more vocations in the diocese. Please also pray for our young candidates for First Holy Communion who made their First Confessions here yesterday (Saturday morning) and for their families. God bless you all.

Fr David, Fr Andrew & Fr Johnson would like to thank you for your kindness over the Easter.  For your prayers, good wishes, cards and gifts.

A very big thank you to all those who helped prepare the Church for Easter, the cleaners, Choirs, servers, readers, Eucharistic ministers, flower arrangers, collectors and anyone else who helped in anyway.


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