Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. Thank you to all who came or watched our Advent talk on Wednesday, and thank you to Rev Ruth Moriarty for her beautiful reflection. Many thanks also for the lovely School Mass, and we had a wonderful time at the Bernadette Club Christmas tea party. This week, the children from school will come on Thursday morning for their Reconciliation. God bless you all in the coming week.

Today is the First Sunday of Advent - the start of the Advent season and a new liturgical year for the Church. Let us begin together with Christ, our Light, who comes to save us. As I wasn’t able to write in the newsletter last weekend, this is my first chance to thank Janet Butterworth and her team of volunteers for a fabulous Christmas Market two weeks’ ago, and thank everyone who helped to support it. Many thanks also to those who supported Red Wednesday and the ACN Coffee Morning last weekend. May God bless you all today and in these privileged weeks of Advent.

Congratulations to Fr Andrew Bowden who was installed as the Parish Priest of Poplar on Friday evening. Thank you to those who joined us. This weekend we have our big Christmas Market in the hall after all Masses. Please come into the hall on this special weekend! This Wednesday is Red Wednesday, a day of solidarity with the persecuted Church. There will be exposition here after the 10am Mass. Also on Wednesday, at 5.30pm in Westminster Cathedral, we will celebrate the annual Mass for the deceased priests of the diocese - all are welcome. The same evening is also our St Cecilia’s Day concert here at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to both events. Finally, Wednesday is also the 15th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood - please pray for me! Thank you, God bless you all, and have a wonderful weekend.

As announced, please note that from next Sunday 3 December, the 8.45 Mass will revert to 8.30am, and the 10am Mass will revert to 9.45am.

Today is Remembrance Sunday. We welcome members of our uniformed groups to the 10am and 11.15am Masses for our parades in remembrance of the fallen. RIP.

Fr Andrew Bowden will be installed this Friday evening as Parish Priest of Poplar at Ss Mary’s and Joseph’s Church, Poplar, at 7pm by Bishop Hudson. Fr Jerome will be installed as Parish Priest of St John Vianney, West Green, on Friday 15 December at 7pm by Bishop Sherrington. All welcome to both celebrations.


The latest Newsletters from Our Lady of Lourdes Church