The Nativity of the Lord

Masses Monday 19th December -  Friday 23rd December as normal

Penitential Services
TUESDAY 20th December 2.30pm & 7.30pm

Christmas Eve 24th December
Mass at 10am
Confessions 10.30am – 11.30am
6.30 pm Family Mass
11.30 pm Carols and Readings
before Midnight Mass
12 Midnight Mass

Christmas Day
8.30 am
9.45 am
11.15 am
12.30 pm

Christmas Week
Monday 26th  -
Friday 30th December
Mass at 10 am
after which the Church will close

Saturday 31st December 2011
Mass at 10am & 6.30pm
No Confessions this day

Sunday 1st January 2012
No Evening Mass

Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd January
10.00 am only
After which the Church will be closed.

Wednesday onwards Masses as Normal including 8am on Thursday.

When you donate online to The Passage from 10.00 a.m. Monday 5 December to Friday 9 December, your donation will be doubled by the Big Give campaign! So, for every £1 you donate, The Passage will get £2.

As Christmas approaches and the cold weather begins to set in, your donation will help The Passage help homeless people off the streets and into a home; not just for Christmas, but a home for good.

For donations that are Gift Aided, a further 25p can be claimed by The Passage for every £1 given.

Please help us give a very special gift to those on the streets and most in need this Christmas by giving on line at:

The minutes of the Parish Annual General Meeting in 2010 are now online, in preparation for the Parish AGM this Sunday 3 July at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.

40 Days For Life ends this Sunday. There's still time to help out.

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 9 May 2011 are now online.