It has been lovely to welcome parishioners back to the public celebration of Masses. Thank you to everyone for being so cooperative in observing all the special safety measures. Special thanks go to our volunteers who are supervising the church while it is open and during Masses. Please remember that you must wear a face covering or mask at Mass. At other times of private prayer, the face covering is not necessary.
Saturday 4pm, 5pm 6pm
Sunday 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12noon
Monday-Friday 12pm, 6pm
The church is open about 15 minutes before each celebration. On Monday-Friday the church remains open after the 12pm Mass for a time of private prayer.
Saturday afternoon 2pm.
The Government advice on test and trace has been re-developed again. They are encouraging people to participate in test and trace wherever possible. If you would like to help with this at church you can write your name(s), telephone number and Mass date/time on a small piece of paper and drop it in the collection basket on your way out of Mass. At the moment, this is not compulsory and you don't have to give your details if you don't want to.
On Friday we celebrated the Requiem Mass in church for Tom Sutton, followed by cremation at New Southgate. This was the first funeral in the church since the return to public Masses. Thank you to Tom's daughters and family for helping to arrange such a dignified celebration. I know that many of you would have liked to be there, so I thank you for the sacrifices you made by staying away. At the moment, there is a limit of 30 family members at funerals and weddings. Please continue to pray for the repose of Tom's soul, and for his family and friends.
You can collect your new envelopes from the back of church. Please don't touch the boxes other than your own. Thank you for your continued generosity to the parish.