Those who are unwell, including:
Neela Ramnarine, Cedric Arbreu, Andrea Jordan, Dermot Ryan, Allan Hanley, John Gallagher, Ifte Alam, Nadim Alam, John Quattromini, Sheila Casey, Emma Lake, Guido Fichera, James Brady, Theresa Dillon, Lawrence Robinson, Luisa Busandri, Martin Donoghue, Kath Joyce, Daya & Jasmine Amole, Lucy Jones, Megan O’Brien, Hannah Fennell, Alison Hughes, Phyliss Morgan-Fann, Eileen Galvin, Mary O’Connell and Kay Heery.
All those who have died recently, including:
David Ahearne, Michael Weir, Bob Piacentini, Giovanni Vaccaro and Michael McCarthy.
Prayer Intentions
Sunday 25th August. Please Pray For
- Details
- Written by Parish Office