From Monday, our church will be open every day, initially from 12pm-2pm. We understand these hours are limited but they will allow us to become accustomed with the new procedures we have been working on. Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help. Our church is a safe and welcoming place for all who want to visit. You might like to pray quietly, visit the Blessed Sacrament, or light candles. If you do come, please bear in mind the following:
• The church is open for private, silent prayer only. We kindly ask that parishioners do not gather in groups to pray out loud.
• Please observe the 2m social distance policy.
• Please use the hand sanitiser on the way in and the way out.
• There is a one-way system (in through the normal doors, and out through the central doors)
• The pews are marked where you can and cannot sit.
• Please don't bring anything with you to leave behind in the church.
• There are no toilet facilities available, either in the church or the hall.
• Please note that although our office is now being manned on some days, it is still closed to visitors. We ask that you either phone or email us but please don't ring the doorbell as we will not be able to let you into the presbytery.
Most of all, we are really pleased to reopen the church. We know that many of you will appreciate the opportunity to visit this house of prayer and peace. God bless you all.
News Stories
Reopening Our Church
- Details
- Written by Fr Davud Reilly