Advent is a time of Spiritual preparation to celebrate the Birth of the Son of God, Jesus, at Christmas.  What can I do? Here are some suggestions:

Prayer - Try to put yourself in the presence of Jesus each day.  On your way to work, in your home, just say: ‘Come Lord Jesus’.  At the end of the day think about what has happened and thank him or ask for help in difficult or worrying situations.

Give tins of food and toiletries for the homeless where we collect as a Parish during Advent. (Please leave in the box at the back of the church.)

Visit someone who is alone or in need of company that you know.

When you write your Christmas cards – say a prayer for each person or family.


Takes place in our church Mondays to Fridays at 7 – 7.45 am.  Call in for a few moments on your way to work.  There is also Exposition on Fridays 10.30 -11 am and on the First, Second and Third Sundays of Advent between 1.30 – 5.30 pm.  Please sign up to watch on these afternoons on the list in the church porch.

Tuesdays at 7.30 pm where the topic will be “The Year of Mercy”.

All those who support the Parish in any way are warmly invited to join the Parish Team in the Hall on Saturday 5th December, after the 6.30 pm Mass, for the Christmas Party, our thank you for all the work you do.

If you have an advent wreath, or are planning to make one, please bring it to Mass next weekend, where it will be blessed.