Last Tuesday, 11 October, the Feast of St John XXIII, marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), often known as Vatican II. Vatican II was the twenty-first ecumenical council in the history of the Church. Pope John said its aim was to promote renewal in the Church, to make progress towards Christian unity, and to make a contribution to addressing world issues such as the development of peoples and evangelisation. During the Great Jubilee at the start of the new century, John Paul II said: ‘With the passing of the years, the documents of the Council have lost nothing of their value or brilliance. I feel more than ever in duty bound to point to the Council as the great grace bestowed on the Church in the twentieth century: there we find a sure compass by which to take our bearings in the century now beginning.’ Now, the Church looks to the next Jubilee or ‘Holy Year’ which will be celebrated universally in 2025.

A very big thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in volunteering to become a catechist for the First Holy Communion and Confirmation programmes.  There will be a short meeting on Thursday 3 November at 7pm which you are invited to attend.

Thank you to those who have continually supported the Food Bank collection, and to those who volunteer for the Food Bank. We continue to collect non perishable food for the foodbank. All items can be left in the blue box at the back of church.

The next date for baptism applications will be on Wednesday 16th November at 5pm in the Parish Centre.

Please note that the Parish Office will be closed this Friday.

Prayer sheets are available at the back of church to make our book of remembrance.  If you can, please include an offering to cover the November Masses given to the Holy Souls. There will be a special Mass on All Souls Day (2nd November) at 7.30pm. This Mass will include the candle ceremony for our departed loved ones. There will be Masses throughout the month of November for those in our book of remembrance and for all the holy souls.

If you are interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith please collect a form from the church porch and return to the Presbytery. You can also speak to Fr Jerome for more information or help. The programme begins on Tuesday 1st November at 7pm in the small hall and will include Mass for the solemnity of All Saints.

We are always grateful for the outstanding generosity of our parishioners and visitors. The ‘loose plate’ collection is increasing again (which sounds good!) but in actual fact it is more helpful and efficient if you are able to give by standing order rather than loose cash. Standing order is preferable in terms of security as it means less cash handling on the premises, and is also easier to collect the tax refund from HMRC through the Gift Aid scheme. It also means you don’t need to remember to bring cash to church. There are forms in the church porch to sign up for a standing order. Thank you all for your consideration and kindness.

Christmas cards are now available from the paper shop, which is on the right as you come into the Parish Hall. We stock a variety of cards, including Mass cards; candles, and other religious items. Please pop in and have a look!

New rotas available for collection—thank you.

The Governors of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School are inviting applications for their reception class from families whose child reaches his/her 4th birthday between 1st September 2022 and 31st August 2023. Visits to the school are welcomed, please call the school office to arrange - 020 8361 0767. 

Thank you all very much for your very generous donations last weekend, which amounted to £1,733.05.  You can still donate via or by taking an envelop from the back of the church.