I hope everyone had a happy half-term! This week is the beginning of November, the month of the Holy Souls. Tuesday is the great solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation (yes, they do still exist!) Wednesday is All Souls’ Day, the commemoration of all the faithful departed. On both days, there are three Masses here at 8am, 10am and 7.30pm. The evening Mass on Wednesday is our special Mass for our departed loved ones. Do please come along and light a candle during Mass for those who have died. If you haven’t done so already, please send in the names of the deceased to go in our Book of Remembrance. Have a good week.

Tuesday 1 November: Solemnity of All Saints Mass 8am, 10am (with school), 7.30pm
Wednesday 2 November: All Souls’ Day Mass 8am, 10am, 7.30pm (Solemn)
Tuesday 8 November: Deanery Requiem, Enfield Town Church 12 noon
Wednesday 9 November: Mass for Deceased Clergy, Westminster Cathedral 5.30pm
Thursday 10 November: CAFOD Soup Lunch here in the hall 12 noon. Join us!
Sunday 13 November: Remembrance Sunday

A very big thank you to all those who have expressed an interest in volunteering.
There will be a meeting on Thursday 3 November at 7pm to which you are invited.

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School are inviting applications for reception class from families whose child reaches his/her 4th birthday between 1st September 2022 and 31st August 2023. Visits to the school are welcomed, please call the school office to arrange - 020 8361 0767. 

Thank you to those who have continually supported the Food Bank collection. All items can be left in the blue box at the back of church.

If you’re reading this on Saturday or on the internet before Sunday, please don’t forget that the clocks go back one hour on Saturday night/Sunday morning.

The second collection next week will be for the sick and retired priests of our Diocese. Most priests offer their resignation at 75, but many continue to serve in our schools, hospitals, hospices and parishes. By supporting the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund, you can help cover essential costs and give them peace of mind that in the event of an emergency, their needs will be met. This is our chance to say thank you to our sick and retired priests who have given so much. You will find a donation envelope at the back of the church today. Please take one home, and bring it back next weekend with your donation. Please continue to pray for the wellbeing of all of our clergy: active, retired and ill. You can donate online at - the envelopes and posters feature a ‘QR Code’ that you can scan with a phone camera to give online.

If you are interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith please collect a form from the church porch and return to the Presbytery. You can also speak to Fr Jerome for more information or help. The programme begins on Tuesday 1st November at 7pm in the small hall and will include Mass for the solemnity of All Saints. (Please come from 6.30pm to complete paperwork).

On Thursday 10 November at 12 noon we will be hosting a soup lunch in the parish hall in support of CAFOD. Please join us for some homemade soup and information from CAFOD. The lunch is on the parish but you are invited to leave an offering which goes to CAFOD.

Christmas cards are now available from the paper shop. We stock a variety of cards, including Mass cards; candles, and other religious items.

The next date for baptism applications will be on Wednesday 16th November at 5pm in the Parish Centre.

We look forward to seeing all our members at the next meeting of the Bernadette Club at 2pm on Thursday 3 November. Remember, we will be having a fun practical session on card-making from visitors Sheena and Anne!