Tomorrow (Monday) is August Bank Holiday. Mass here will be at 10 am. Have a lovely day, and please remember that the Parish Office and Presbytery will be closed on Monday. There will be no 8am Masses this week.

The Funeral Mass will take place on Monday, 2nd September, at 10 am.

Dates and details for secondary school transfer will be published at the start of September for those who need forms signing by Fr David. Please look out for these dates which will be published in the newsletter.

Please look out in the newsletter and notice board for details of the baptism sign-up sessions for the new term in September. The first opportunity to book baptisms will be on Monday 9th September at 6.30 pm in the Parish Centre.

Forms will be available from the beginning of September. The programme will begin in December and run on Saturday mornings 10am—11.15am and, of course, attendance at Sunday Mass is essential.

Please use the parish centre toilets rather than the church toilet for the time being. Apologies for the delay—it is a work in progress.

What is RCIA? RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which we sometimes also call ‘Journey in Faith’. It is a course of preparation for adults who wish to become Catholics. This includes those who were never baptised, or who were baptised in a non-Catholic Church who now wish to become Catholic, or baptised Catholics who did not receive Confirmation when they were younger. Sometimes there is also room for Catholics who wish to learn more about their faith and support the other candidates but these places are limited. The course ends at Easter when the sacraments are celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Many of our parishioners started their journey as members of the RCIA. In October, a new RCIA will begin here, led by our new priest Fr Tom. If you would like to register your interest to become a Catholic and be part of the RCIA, please speak to Fr David or contact the office.

Enfield Council are proposing changes to the Arnos Grove Controlled Parking Zone. The current restrictions are 11am to noon Monday to Friday in roads approximately within a 10 minute walking distance of Arnos Grove Station.
The council’s proposal is to increase the parking restriction times to 8am -7.30 pm Monday to Sunday which will obviously greatly impact our parish as the new restrictions would be in force for all Masses in our Church. This will also have an adverse affect of the car park, for obvious reasons, as well as parking at the primary school. The council is also planning to extend the zone north of Arnos Park as far as Southgate Green. Details of the proposals can be viewed on the council’s consultation website. The consultation period ends on Friday 13th September. Please do write in to the consultation via the council website and bear in mind that it will impact us here.

Just as the Israelites made their choice at the river, so the followers of Jesus, after hearing him speak about the Bread of Life, must choose whether to believe in him or walk away. Jesus understands that many follow Him because of the miracles and the healing, they do not believe in Him but in what He does.  If we are to follow Christ, we must do so through the Spirit that call us to faith. Faith is a gift from God, and the Apostles, through Peter, recognise Jesus as the Holy One of God and choose to follow him.  The events of our lives teach us that our faith in God will lead us to him, he is our choice, we stand with Peter. David Frank