1 Samuel 16: 1. 6-7 10-13
The Lord does not judge by appearances; the Lord sees the heart. 

Ephesians 5: 8-14
St Paul encourages the community to be children of the light and to shun darkness. 

John 9: 1-14
A man born blind has his sight restored and in the process comes to faith in Jesus.

Exodus 17: 3-7
Following God’s command, Moses strikes a rock and fresh water flows out to quench the Israelites’ thirst. 

Romans 5: 1-2. 5-8
St Paul tells the Christians in Rome that the proof of God’s love is that Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. 

John 4: 5-42
Jesus meets a Samaritan woman by a well and leads her to faith in him as the Messiah.

Genesis 2: 7-9, 3: 1-7
Adam and Eve allow their own desires to take precedence over God’s command and so introduce sin into their lives. 

Romans 5: 12-19
Paul explains how sin has become endemic in the human race, and how Jesus came to reverse its effects. 

Matthew 4: 1-11
Jesus spends time in the desert preparing for his ministry, and comes face to face with powerful temptations to put his own interests first.

Genesis 12: 1-4
Abraham, our Father in faith, begins his journey to a ‘promised land’. 

2 Timothy 1: 8-10
Paul a prisoner in Rome, proclaims the Gospel.  Jesus has abolished death. 

Matthew 17: 1-9
Caught in a moment of time, the disciples see the glory of the heavenly Lord.

Zephaniah 2:3, 3: 12-13
The Prophet calls on the people to live pure and humble lives, and the Lord promises to reward them with his shalom, the fullness of life and peace. 

1 Corinthians 1: 26-31
St Paul explains that those who are nothing in the world’s eyes can be valued by God’s special witnesses. 

Matthew 5: 1-12
Jesus presents not rules and regulations for entering God’s kingdom, but simple descriptions of the sort of people who are close to God, and who thereby find real happiness.