Exodus 17: 3-7
After their escape from slavery in Egypt into the barrenness of the desert, the Israelites begged Moses to give them water.

Romans 5: 1-2. 5-8
Our thirsty souls need the life-giving water that is love.  Through Jesus, the Spirit of love gives us the life for which we all long.

John 4: 5-42
The Samaritan woman represents all of us who thirst for the spring of water ‘welling up to eternal life’, which Jesus makes available to us in himself.

Genesis 12: 1-4
The Lord calls Abraham to receive his blessings.

2 Timothy 1: 8-10
God calls all of us to be holy in Christ Jesus

Matthew 17: 1-9
Jesus calls his disciples to share in his glory.

Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7
Using imagery, the story is told of man and woman’s creation, of temptation and the origins of sin.

Romans 5: 12-19
Paul compares the disobedience of Adam, whose sin brought death, with the obedience of Christ, whose death restored eternal life.

Matthew 4: 1-11
Jesus defeats three temptations as he prepares for his mission as Messiah.

Isaiah 49: 14-15
There are times in our lives when we can feel lost, abandoned, unloved.  Into this place of great sadness the Lord promises his people that he loves us with a deep, unfailing maternal love.

1 Corinthians 4: 1-5
Paul reminds the Corinthians not to use their time and energy fretting about who is worthy or not.  Rather, trusting all things to our heavenly Father, we are called simply to be faithful stewards of the mysteries Christ gives us.

Matthew 6: 24-34
Recognizing the worries of everyday life, Jesus calls all who hear him to reshape their lives in service of a new master.  As servants of the Father we can live in freedom of heart, trusting all things to God.

Leviticus 19: 1-2, 17-18
Being holy means not hating our brothers and sisters and not taking vengeance.

1 Corinthians 3: 16-23

Paul tells us that we bear the presence of God within us for we are God’s temple.

Matthew 5: 38-48
Jesus commands us not to reciprocate violence and teaches us to love our enemies.