TEST AND TRACE EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.—every time you come to Mass.
If you wish your child to make his/her First Communion next year, please sign the sheet in the church porch. You have until Sunday 5th September to sign up. Please make a note of the date of the first session on 30th November. Please clearly provide your email address.
Unfortunately we have had to remove the temporary Paper Shop table from the back of the church, as someone has been taking the money from the “Honesty” Box. Hopefully we will be able to come up with a more secure way of making the stock available to you in the near future. With many apologies.
Some of our readers at Mass have either moved away or stepped down. We are looking to recruit some new readers for this important ministry of proclaiming God's Word in church. If you are interested in this role, please speak to Fr David this weekend or when he is back. A little training will be provided in due course.
The Summer Draw will take place after the 10 am Mass today, 1st August. No entries can now be accepted for this draw. Results will be announced in the newsletter next weekend.
If you would like to help with the Church flowers please contact the Parish office.
No experience necessary.
Please note that the Office is closed on Thursday 5th August, and will also be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week—10th/11th August.
We have now received some guidance, mostly in the form of recommendations, with some rules too. We want to continue to keep our church safe and make people feel as comfortable as possible, while at the same time recognising that there is a degree of personal choice that people will need to make depending on their own circumstances.
- The current temporary Mass times will remain in place until the autumn term, and Sunday obligation remains suspended for the time being.
-You should not come to church if you have any symptoms, or if you have been told to self-isolate.
-Please continue to use the QR code to sign in on your smartphone.
-You should still use the hand sanitiser if possible. You are also encouraged to wear a face covering, especially when there are large gatherings inside the church.
-Social distancing will be relaxed so the capacity of the church will increase to normal levels, but please be respectful of those who may want to continue to keep a distance.
- The following things remain suspended here for now: Communion from the chalice, the offertory procession, the physical sign of peace, and holy water in the stoups. Singing at Sunday Mass will not return until the autumn term. The collection will continue to be taken on the way out, at least until we can organise a new system.
-We no longer need the stewards for entry or cleaning after every Mass. However, after the last Mass each day, help would be appreciated to clean the touch points in church. Thank you to everyone who has helped us with stewarding and cleaning throughout this entire time. Thank you to everyone for your patience, cooperation and prayers!
A huge thank you to those who continue to donate every week. It really is appreciated enormously by the families that use the foodbank. Although we will not now meet again until Monday 6th September, we will continue to collect donations throughout the summer via Our Lady of Lourdes Church, St Paul's Church and our local Sainsbury's. From 15th September the foodbank will run in conjunction with the new language cafe in St Paul's church hall every Wednesday 2:30-4pm. If you would like to join our team of volunteers please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Looking for a new challenge? Could you visit schools in your local area to deliver assemblies and workshops about CAFOD’s work and encourage young people to take action, fundraise and pray with CAFOD? No experience necessary. Full support, resources and regular training provided. We are especially in need of volunteers happy to visit schools in Hertfordshire, Ealing, Brent, Hounslow and Camden. CAFOD Westminster is also looking for a School volunteer coordinator (volunteer position), who would help coordinate their school visits programme from September. This role would suit someone who is comfortable speaking to other volunteers and schools and also in using spreadsheets and databases.
If you are interested in either of these volunteer roles, please contact Chris Driscoll at westminsterschoolod.org.uk or call 07776 493162.