Pope Francis has declared that the year 2025 will be a Holy Year of Jubilee for the Catholic Church – an event that takes place once every 25 years. The theme for the 2025 Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”, an invitation to showcase the hope of our Christian faith to people right across the world at a time when there is so much suffering from the impact of war, poverty, climate change, and the lasting effects of the COVID pandemic. The Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee presents each one of us with an opportunity to reignite the flame of our faith in our own hearts and to share the light of that faith with those in darkness.
The concept of Jubilee is one rooted in the earliest days of Judeo-Christian tradition. In the Book of Leviticus, we read that the people of Israel celebrated this tradition every 50 years. Its purpose was to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. It involved the forgiveness of debts, the return of misappropriated land, and a fallow period for the fields.
Today, the Catholic Church celebrates this tradition once every 25 years as a year of grace, offering the faithful the opportunity to renew faith through prayer, pilgrimage, acts of charity, and by asking for a plenary indulgence – a special grace that strengthens our wounded souls in the fight against sin.
The funeral will take place on Monday 6th January at 10am. May she rest in peace.
Thank you very much for your generous donations to the Crib this year. As always, the money will go to the Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) who support children in London in need. Find out more at www.cathchild.org.uk/crib
The next application for Baptism will take place on Monday 6th January at 6.30pm in the Parish Centre.
The next meeting for the Children will be on Saturday 11th January at 10am—11.15am. The family Mass will be on Sunday 12th January at 11.15am.
The next Veneramus evening will be on Monday 20th January at 7:30pm. Please join us for a time of prayer, teaching, adoration, music and confession. Any questions, please speak to Fr Tom.
You are invited to an Enfield Deanery gathering on Friday 10th January, from 7.30-9.30pm, at Our Lady & St Vincent, Potters Bar (EN6 2AT). Worship, music, speaker and Adoration followed by a social. Any questions, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or speak to your priest.
Our Junior Choir continue to regularly support the celebration of the Saturday 6pm Mass with their singing. Deacon Ian has been helping train the young people, aged 8-14, and wishes to invite more of our young people to join the group. They meet each Saturday at 5:15pm in the small hall to practice. Please speak to a member of the clergy for more information.
The Parish Team would like to wish you all a Very Happy & Blessed New Year