With Easter falling so early this year, here's a site that explains how to calculate the date of the feast and why a moveable date was chosen in the first place .

Lent can easily be reduced to 'the time when people give something up'. But there is a real richness to Lent in the Catholic tradition.

This is a time to turn to God.

Take the season of Lent to recommit or go deeper in your faith.

Some parishioners have apparently received the impression that families with children must attend the 11.15am Mass. This is not true. Families and children are welcome at all Masses.

It hardly seems like Christmas is over, yet tomorrow (yes, tomorrow!) sees the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday . There will be Mass and distribution of ashes at 8am, 10am and 7.30pm. By the way, ever wondered what the ash is made from? After all, something has to have been burned to make the ashes. Well, now you know what happened to last year's palm leaves that were waved in re-enactment of Christ's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday . That's the Church in a nutshell: everything is connected, great and small.
For all you Countdown addicts and anagram anoraks out there, here's the ultimate timewaster .


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