The Parents and Toddlers playgroup has resumed. Note the different day and time.

An informal playgroup for parents and preschool children (0-4 years) that meets in the Parish Hall. There are lots of toys available for the children to play with and it gives mothers a chance to meet other mothers, to share information and to make new friends. And fathers, grandparents or other carers are all more than welcome to come along too. Coffee, tea and biscuits are available, as are suitable drinks for the children. The cost is £2 per child per session, which goes towards covering our running costs.

When: we meet on Monday morning (10.30am-12.30pm) during term time.

Contact: Parish office 020 8368 1638.


Prayer Intentions

Those who are unwell, including:  
Ifte Alam, Nadim Alam, John Quattromini, Sheila Casey, Mary Tilki, Emma Lake, Guido Fichera, James Brady, Theresa Dillon, Lawrence Robinson, Kath and Brian Joyce, Luisa Busandri, Martin Donoghue, Daya and Jasmine Amole, Lucy Jones, Megan O’Brien, Fr Frances Wahle, Hannah Fennell, Alison Hughes, Phyliss Morgan-Fann, Eileen Galvin, and Kay Heery.

All those who have died recently, including:
Hugh Casey, Sylvia Burt, Fr John Warnaby, Antonina Abbro, David Hassett and Kathy McCarthy.