Isaiah 20: 4-7
the faithful servant of the Lord is strengthened by God to face all the insults of those who attack him.

Philippians 2: 6-11
humble unto death, Christ Jesus is raised up as Lord

Mark 14: 1 – 15: 47
Mark tells the story of Christ’s passion.

Jeremiah 31: 31-34
We live in the present but we live for the future, a future written in our hearts.

Hebrews 5: 7-9

Progress can make us better, but only Christ can make us perfect.

John 12: 20-33
If our life gives us exactly what we expect, then we are like the seed that doesn’t grow.  A fruitful life will always bear fruit in unexpected ways.

Exodus 20: 1-17
The Lord who has brought his people out of slavery gives them his commandments

1 Corinthians 1: 22-25
God’s foolishness, the crucified Christ, is wiser than human wisdom.

John 2: 13-25
Jesus replaces the Temple with the temple of his own body.

2 Chronicles 36: 14-16. 19-23
Such was the persistence of God’s people in pursuing their own way and ignoring the Lord’s that they found themselves exiled from the land promised to them.  But the Lord worked through Cyrus, a gentile, to restore his people to their land and relationship with him.

Ephesians 2: 4-10

The great gift of God’s boundless love and grace comes to us in Jesus, and fills our everyday lives in the Spirit.  When we hand ourselves over to the Lord’s love, he recreates us as his works of art.

John 3: 14-21
Nicodemus has come to Jesus by night.  In the shadows of this conversation of wondering and searching, Jesus speaks of the love of the Father and the healing that is made possible for all people through the gift of his own life and his sacrifice on the cross.

Genesis 22: 1-2. 9-13. 15-18
God pours blessings upon those who trust.

Romans 8: 31-34
God holds nothing back in love for us.

Mark 9: 2-10
Jesus appears in glory to Peter, James and John.  The disciples do not know what is happening, but Jesus tells them to tell nobody about this until after the Resurrection.