Genesis 2: 18-24
The world in all its teeming variety comes from God, who is above all created things and yet sustains all in divine love.

Hebrews 2: 9-11
From the depth of the Trinity’s love, God shares our humanity, even in suffering and death, so that we can be truly God’s children.

Mark 10: 2-16
We often fail in love through weakness and sin, and so we have to make up ways of dealing with what goes wrong.  But deep in creation lies God’s plan for us to share, in our very bodies, in God’s creative love.

Numbers 11: 25-29
The Lord is generous in bestowing his Spirit.

James 5: 1-6
The wealthy who behave unjustly will pay for their callous attitude.

Mark 9: 38-43. 47-48
Jesus warns us of the destructive power of sin.

Isaiah 50: 5-9
the prophet foretells Christ’s total trust in his Father at the time of his passion.

James 2: 14-18
The apostle teaches that faith in God should lead us to active charity.

Mark 8: 27-35

Jesus explains that suffering and surrender into God’s hands are the necessary prelude to eternal happiness.

Wisdom 2: 12. 17-20
Those who are just will suffer for their virtuous life.

James 3:16 – 4:3

Real prayer can overcome the violence that arises in us because of our thwarted desires.

Mark 9: 30-37

Jesus tells us that leadership will only be effective through humble service.

Isaiah 35: 4-7
Isaiah rejoices in the hope of Israel’s return from exile.  Among the first to enjoy the blessings of restoration will be those who are deaf or dumb, blind or lame.

James 2: 1-5
James points out the contradiction of believing in Christ yet treating those who are poor as inferior.

Mark 7: 31-37
The miracle reflects the first reading and is a sign that Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Messiah.