Ezekiel 17: 22-24
Speaking of Israel’s future, Ezekiel pictures God transplanting a tiny sprig into new ground where it grows into a mighty cedar.

2 Corinthians 5: 6-10
Though we make our journey ‘by faith and not sight’, we walk with confidence.

Mark 4: 26-34
Jesus compares the kingdom to a mustard seed that grows into a mighty tree, but its growth is often as imperceptible  as that of a seed hidden in the ground.

Exodus 24: 3-8
The blood of the sacrifice of bulls marks God’s commitment to the Hebrew people.

Hebrews 9: 11-15
The Blood of Christ wins eternal redemption for us.

Mark 14: 12-16. 22-26
At the Last Supper, Christ gives his body and blood as remedy for the world’s sins.

Acts 2:1-11
On the day of Pentecost the Gospel is preached to all nations.

Galatians 5: 16-25
The Spirit is our guide and our life.

John 15: 26-27 16: 12-15
The Spirit continues to lead us into the fullness of truth.

Deuteronomy 4:32-34. 39-40
Moses challenges God’s people to reflect on the greatest mystery of all: that God, who is beyond all understanding and all human reach, seeks to be close to men and women in their own place.

Romans 8: 14-17
As children of God, St Paul teaches, we are we are people intimately involved in the life of the Trinity.

Matthew 28: 16-20
As the Lord reveals the mystery of God’s love more clearly, he sends his followers out to share in his mission.  Through Jesus, and in the Spirit, we are never alone, but always held in God’s power and love.

Acts 1:1-11
Jesus ascends into heaven and returns to his Father.

Ephesians 1: 17-23
Christ is enthroned in heaven with universal authority, and this can fill us with hope.

Mark 16: 15-20
Before his ascension into heaven, Jesus commissions his apostles to continue his mission on earth.