ECCLESIASTICUS  35: 12-14, 16-19
Working for justice will fail, unless we also pray for justice.

2 TIMOTHY 4: 6-8, 16-18
No one is truly alone, if they know that the Lord is standing by them.

LUKE 18: 9-14
Nearness to God is measured by our pride or our humility, not by distance, but the Lord is always nearer to us than we are to him.

EXODUS 17: 8-13
Moses needed help from his supporters if he was himself to give support to the army of Israel in its battle with the Amalekites.

2 TIMOTHY 3: 14-4:2
Ever since childhood, we have had the scriptures to guide us.  Now it is our responsibility to proclaim God’s message to the world.

LUKE 18: 1-8
God is not blind to injustice and will see that, sooner or later, its victims will receive justice.

HABAKKUK 1:2-3; 2:2-4
The prophet complains that God does not hear or act; God responds and asks for faith and patience.

2 TIMOTHY 1:6-8, 13-14
God gives the Holy Spirit, empowering us to bear witness to our faith and to persevere in the face of difficulty.

LUKE 17: 5-10

It is not the quantity of faith that matters, but the quality of one’s relationship with God.

2 KINGS 5: 14-17
Naaman the leper is cured of his sickness and turns to believe in the God of Israel.

2 TIMOTHY 2: 8-13
Writing from the captivity of prison, St Paul encourages us to remain firm and steadfast in our faith.

LUKE 17: 11-19
Of the ten lepers who were healed, only one, a Samaritan and an outsider, returns to thank Jesus for the gift of healing.

AMOS 6:1. 4-7
A warning to those who are complacent and who pamper themselves at the expense of others.

1 TIMOTHY 6: 11-16
A call to those who love God to be loving and generous.

LUKE 16: 19-31
The story of the rich man and the beggar, commonly called Dives and Lazarus.  The rich man is punished for his indifference to the poor man at his door.