Isaiah 50: 4-7

The prophet’s words fall as if from the lips of Jesus himself.


Philippians 2: 6-11

St Paul extols the glory of Christ’s incarnation and crucifixion, through which God raised him high to be worshipped and acclaimed.


Luke 22 14 – 23.56

Luke tells the story of Christ’s passion, from the Last Supper to his burial.

Isaiah 43: 16-21

The Lord is always seeking to do good for his people.


Philippians 3: 8-14

Perfection comes from Christ, not through our own efforts.  Yet we still strive our utmost to capture the prize Christ Jesus won for us.


John 8: 1-11

Jesus does not condemn.  He calls us to sin no more.

First Reading.

Exodus 3:1-8. 13-15

In a mysterious and wonderful way Moses becomes aware of God’s repsence at that he has been chosen for a special mission by God.


Second Reading.

1 Corinthians 10: 1-6. 10-12

Under the leadership of Moses, the people of Israel passed from slavery to freedom in the Exodus.  Paul sees the passage through the sea of reeds as prefiguring baptism and God’s gift of manna in the desert as prefiguring the Eucharist.



Luke 13: 1-9

Jesus urges repentance and uses a parable to illustrate the loving mercy of God.

First Reading.  Joshua 5: 9-12

After their having escaped from slavery and sin in Egypt, the Lord prepares a feast for his long-lost children in the promised land.


Second Reading.  2 Corinthians 5: 17-21

St Paul meditates on the reconciling work of Christ, and reminds us that we are God’s fellow workers.


Gospel.  Luke 15: 1-3, 11-12

God’s power is made manifest in mercy.  Divine love brings about moral and physical resurrection.

Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18
God enters into a covenant with Abraham, who hears and heeds the voice of God.

Philippians 3:17-4:1
Paul calls on the followers of Jesus to remain faithful to the life and teachings of the Lord.

Luke 9:28-36
Jesus is transfigured on a mountaintop and the voice of God is heard, urging humanity to listen to Jesus.