Our Lady of Lourdes - Parish Council
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- Written by Edoardo Albert
Many thanks to everyone who attended the parish AGM last Sunday. There was an excellent turnout, particularly when you consider the other attractions of the evening, and on behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank Cecilia Webb and her helpers for the smooth organisation, and tea and sandwiches afterwards. The most notable feature of the evening was the election of three new members to the Parish Council: Gerard Barden, Greg Howard and John Wilson. New blood and new ideas will be very welcome on the council. The minutes of the last AGM, in 2007, are now online, as is the annual report for 2007-2008. We hope to have the minutes for Sunday's meeting written up and available on the website soon.
Thank you also to all the people who couldn't attend the meeting but who contributed ideas, questions and prayers. The next Parish Council meeting will be in September, so may we wish you a very relaxing summer.
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- Written by Jane Landi
SUNDAY 29th JUNE 2008
Fr. Tom, Fr. Damian and Aileen are still going strong. They discuss weekly events and set up the various catechetical programmes that run annually in the Parish. Fr. McDade still comes every Sunday to take one or two Masses.
Fr. Thomas Parayadyil has been staying with us whilst serving as the Syro-Malabar chaplain to the Kerulan community. Recently he has also had Fr. Joseph to assist him. They work very hard, travelling all over the country and are rarely around at the weekends, although they do help with daily masses. Fr. Jose has now gone home to India.
Fr. Damian offered House Masses on the Fridays of Lent and Advent, which attracted about 20 people at a time. They were arranged so that they took place in different areas of the parish, and the idea was to invite your neighbours rather than your friends, who may not live in the immediate area.
Fr. Damian has been appointed as part time youth chaplain to the Diocese and spends one day a week at SPEC. He will be joining the Westminster Group going to the World Youth Day in Australia. One of our young parishioners, Elizabeth Coleman is also going, sponsored by the Catenians.
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- Written by Jane Landi
Minutes of Our Lady of Lourdes Annual General Meeting Sunday June 17th 2007
Fr. Tom Egan, Eddie Albert, Pat Bolger, Cecilia Webb, John Donnelly, Ramon Landi, Joe Sutton, Jane Landi, Brian Hunt, Clyde Webb, Tina Bolger, Frank Nolan, David and Frances Clarke, Pat Hunt, Norah Curtin, Libby Biberian, Peter Wurr, Irene Plunkett, Michael, Mary McMullan, Felicity Brown.
Jackie Reddington, Fr. Damian Cassidy, Peter Coleman, Aileen and Brian Adams, Joan Wurr, Harriet Albert.
Minutes were agreed and signed as correct.
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- Written by Jane Landi
Fr. Damian Cassidy, Fr. Tom Egan, Eddie Albert, Ramon Landi, Cecilia Webb, Tina Bolger, Joe Sutton, David Clarke, Brian Hunt, Jackie Reddington, Marianne Ahearne, Pat Madigan and Jane Landi