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- Written by Pope Benedict XVI
- Category: News Archive
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Christus resurrexit!- Christ is risen!
During last night’s great Vigil we relived the decisive and ever-present event of the Resurrection, the central mystery of the Christian faith. Innumerable Paschal candles were lit in churches, to symbolize the light of Christ which has enlightened and continues to enlighten humanity, conquering the darkness of sin and death for ever. And today there re-echo powerfully the words which dumbfounded the women on the morning of the first day after the Sabbath, when they came to the tomb where Christ’s body, taken down in haste from the Cross, had been laid. Sad and disconsolate over the loss of their Master, they found the great stone rolled away, and when they entered they saw that his body was no longer there. As they stood there, uncertain and bewildered, two men in dazzling apparel surprised them, saying: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, he is risen” (Lk 24:5-6). “Non est hic, sed resurrexit” (Lk 24:6). Ever since that morning, these words have not ceased to resound throughout the universe as a proclamation of joy which spans the centuries unchanged and, at the same time, charged with infinite and ever new resonances.
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- Written by Edoardo Albert
- Category: News Archive
There's a great deal more excellent material, including videos, at the parent website, Catholics Come Home.
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- Written by Edoardo Albert
- Category: News Archive
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 28 January 2008 have been uploaded .