The column doesn't have to be portentous stuff, and here's a good example: a collection of some of Rebecca Howard's favourite church slogans and mottos. Take them away, Rebecca...

These are some slogans seen on posters outside churches.

No God – No Peace. Know God – Know Peace

Free trip to heaven. Details inside!

Try our Sundays. They’re better than Ben & Jerry’s

Greg Howard, in what little time he has left after being a new husband, soon-to-be father, and librarian to the House of Commons, is a guide to Highgate Cemetery, the final resting place of the famous and infamous. We're fortunate that he's written a piece for the website on what you can find there, lurking on the hill. Over to you, Greg.

For part two, see below the jump.

Tony O'Byrne kindly passed to us these photos of a rather damp Easter Vigil Mass and Easter parish party from 2001. See who you can recognise.

Easter 2001

A letter in the style of St Paul from me, Damian, a stumbling, shy, joyful, endlessly surprised, constantly humbled, fan and follower of Jesus Christ.

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I cut my own yesterday morning like I do every Friday morning because Friday’s generally means getting ready for the weekend and preparing a sermon and I swear I preach much better with a freshly trimmed dome. To all the brothers and sisters in the New Southgate community, whether here in the Church, sitting on one of our new pews, just come in from the sunshine, about to celebrate Mass together.

- To those listening at home.
- to those whose prayer is 'Jesus I believe in you—it's your followers who scare me',
- to those who feel so isolated but you stumbled upon this parish and it's making you feel like you    aren't alone, like there are others out there longing for the same kind of fresh moving of the Holy Spirit, 
-to those who find themselves on top of the world, you're asked how you're doing and you say 'I’m good', and it's true and you mean it
- and to those who can barely drag  themselves out of bed each morning
- to those who've recently lost their job
- to those whose children are making choices that are breaking your heart
- to those whose relationships are in trouble
- to the lonely, the depressed, the confused, the doubting
- to those who find it very, very hard to swallow the idea of a good, loving God, much less an open tomb, or a new creation, to all of you grace and peace.