Apocalypse 7: 2-4, 9-14
John sees a huge number of saints who have suffered persecution but now enjoy victory in heaven.

1 John 3: 1-3
We are told that in the end we shall be like God because we will see him as he really is.

Matthew 5: 1-12
In the Beatitudes Jesus tells us what kind of people will enter into his kingdom.

Jeremiah 31: 7-9
An Exhortation to shout and praise the Lord,  for his divine plan is to bring his people home from exile in the lands of the north and the far ends of the earth. 

Hebrews 5: 1-6
The Hebrews are reminded that Priests are human, and that they are able to sympathise with sinners because of it.Each Priest – even Christ – is called by God. 

Mark 10: 46-52
The story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, who broke through the disapproving crowd to demand the attention of Jesus, and whose faith led to his sight being restored. 

Wisdom 7: 7-11
Wealth, gold and riches are nothing compared to the love of God and the wisdom to know what is important in life. 

Hebrews 4: 12-13
God knows who we really are and what are hearts truly love. There is no hiding place. 

Mark 10: 17-30
People who are wealthy find it difficult to trust in God rather than in money. 

Isaiah 53: 10-11
Isaiah meditates on the saving death and final victory of the suffering servant; this prophecy is fulfilled by Jesus. 

Hebrews 4: 14-16
Jesus is presented as our high Priest who has overcome sin and death to intercede for us in heaven. 

Mark 10: 35-45
Jesus teaches that discipleship can mean suffering and serving after the pattern that he himself showed us. 

Genesis 2: 18-24
The creation story in Genesis teaches us the equality of man and woman. 

Hebrews 2: 9-11
To save us from sin and death, Jesus endures the sufferings that these evils bring.  Now risen, he is our hope of glory. 

Mark 10: 2-16
In the debate about marriage and divorce, Jesus directs our minds and hearts to issues of justice and respect for one another.