Sunday 16th February. Sixth Sunday of the Year
A massive thank you to all who enabled our celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes to be such a resounding success. It was beautiful to celebrate the gift of our patronal saint, and to welcome Bishop Curry who implored us to be pilgrims into hope during this Jubilee Year. We were also asked to pray for all those around the world who find themselves without hope for whatever reason, in particular for all those in places that are experiencing war at this time. Let us pray for them, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, and Patronal Saint, the Virgin Mary. As he previously mentioned, Fr David will be in Rome this week Monday to Thursday.
Memories of One of the First Parishioners
Steve Coleman was a parishioner at Our Lady of Lourdes from even before the church was built. With permission from his son, Peter Coleman, here are his memoirs of the founding of the parish and local life in the first half of the 20th century.
Steve Coleman (right, holding the book) at the blessing for the building of the new church, watching his shoes disappear into the mud!
What We Are
There's a great deal more excellent material, including videos, at the parent website, Catholics Come Home.
Parish Ministries
You wouldn't believe the number of different roles that need to be filled to keep a parish going. We are always glad to have extra help; just scroll down to see if there is anything you can do.
Pictures from the Past
Tucked away in the attic of the presbytery we found, when looking for material about the church's history, a couple of boxes full of old books, minutes, bills and letters. We haven't had a chance to go through them systematically as yet, but what we did find were lots of fascinating old photos, some of which we've uploaded to the website, with more to come.
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