Friday was Armistice Day and today (Sunday) is Remembrance Sunday. The Requiem Mass with the church parade will take place at the 10am Mass. Next weekend is the solemnity of Christ the King, the last Sunday in the Church’s liturgical calendar. This is also a special day of prayer for young people which looks towards the celebration of World Youth Day which will take place next summer in Lisbon with Pope Francis.

November is the month of the Holy Souls. We had some beautiful celebrations this last week to mark All Saints and All Souls. Our prayers for the Holy Souls continue throughout the month and our Book of Remembrance will remain in place next to the Paschal Candle in church. There are some further commemorations in the parish, deanery and diocese. The dates are outlined below. We wish you all every blessing for the week ahead.

I hope everyone had a happy half-term! This week is the beginning of November, the month of the Holy Souls. Tuesday is the great solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation (yes, they do still exist!) Wednesday is All Souls’ Day, the commemoration of all the faithful departed. On both days, there are three Masses here at 8am, 10am and 7.30pm. The evening Mass on Wednesday is our special Mass for our departed loved ones. Do please come along and light a candle during Mass for those who have died. If you haven’t done so already, please send in the names of the deceased to go in our Book of Remembrance. Have a good week.

This coming week is half-term. We wish everyone a happy half-term break and look forward to seeing everyone back at school after the holiday.

This important collection be taken at all Masses on 5/6 November.  Gift Aid envelopes will be available next weekend.

Last Tuesday, 11 October, the Feast of St John XXIII, marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), often known as Vatican II. Vatican II was the twenty-first ecumenical council in the history of the Church. Pope John said its aim was to promote renewal in the Church, to make progress towards Christian unity, and to make a contribution to addressing world issues such as the development of peoples and evangelisation. During the Great Jubilee at the start of the new century, John Paul II said: ‘With the passing of the years, the documents of the Council have lost nothing of their value or brilliance. I feel more than ever in duty bound to point to the Council as the great grace bestowed on the Church in the twentieth century: there we find a sure compass by which to take our bearings in the century now beginning.’ Now, the Church looks to the next Jubilee or ‘Holy Year’ which will be celebrated universally in 2025.

The autumn term is pressing on at what seems like an alarming rate! This month of October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Please don’t forget that this week on Wednesday and Saturday we have the secondary school transfer sessions for form signing (please see information below). Well done and thank you to all who participated in CAFOD’s Harvest Fast Day. The collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend—thank you in advance for your generosity. Sending you all every blessing for the week ahead.

Last Sunday was a day of prayer in thanksgiving for the harvest. Next Friday, 7 October, is CAFOD Harvest Fast Day. Please see the notice opposite about the collection for CAFOD next weekend. Congratulations and prayers go to Fr Mark Walker, until recently Diocesan Youth Chaplain, who has been appointed Parish Priest of St Aidan’s Parish, East Acton. Many of you will remember Fr Mark who helped our parish a lot during 2018. He and his parents also came with us on our pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We wish him well in his new ministry. I hope you all have a great week ahead and I send you every blessing.

It was a pleasure for us to celebrate the ‘Welcome Mass’ with children and staff from Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School on Friday as they marked the start of the new academic year. We also hope that everyone was able to spend some time, in whatever way was most appropriate, to mark the funeral of the Queen and the end of the time of mourning and reflection, as the King’s reign begins. Wherever we find ourselves in life, there is always richness in giving thanks to God for what has been, and in praying to God for the new blessings and opportunities that lie ahead of us. Have a great week and God bless you all.

This weekend, as throughout the week, the country is preparing for the Funeral of the Queen. At the Mass in Westminster Cathedral, Cardinal Nichols said that during this time our role is to pray. The Catholic people have an innate instinct to pray for the dead, and we are also called to pray for one another and the whole country. Perhaps during this weekend and especially on Monday we can give ourselves—and each other—the time and space to pray and reflect. The diocese have sent prayer cards which are available in the church porch. The Cardinal will be present at the State Funeral, and the Pope will be represented by Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States. The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, and also Tuesday and Wednesday. I will be with the Catholic Children’s Society on Tuesday and then back working here on Wednesday. Please bear this in mind, and save any parish business till Thursday and Friday. Thank you and God bless you all.

On Thursday we all received the sad news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II. In these coming days we will join  spiritually with people throughout the country, the commonwealth and the whole world as we pray for the happy repose of Her Late Majesty’s noble soul. We also pray for the King, the Queen and the all the members of the late Queen’s family who mourn her. The 10am Mass today (Sunday) will be a Requiem Mass, in accordance with the communications we have received from the diocese.

Welcome back to everyone after the summer holidays. This week is the start of term for many of our children, young people and parishioners who study or work in schools and colleges. We send you all our best wishes and prayers for the new term and the new academic year.  We also welcome back, this morning, our choirs and musicians after their summer break.