Exodus 16: 2-4. 12-15
God provides manna in the desert for the people of Israel who have recently fled Egypt.  It is a story of God’s abundant provision and care for God’s people.

Ephesians 4:17. 20-24
Paul explains that a Christian life is a fundamentally changed life, one that requires a change of spirituality and lifestyle.

John 6: 24-35
Jesus tells the people that the bread they are seeking is not the food but himself. ‘I am the bread of life’ he says.

2 Kings 4: 42-44
By multiplying the loaves, Elisha shows that he is a prophet like Moses, through whom God fed the people in the desert.

Ephesians 4: 1-6
Paul stresses that the gifts that unite us in Christ are to be activated in love for one another.

John 6: 1-15
In his account of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes John alludes symbolically to the Eucharist.

Jeremiah 23: 1-6
Jeremiah does not think much of the “shepherds”, the leaders who are supposed to be looking after God’s people.  His vision is that one day God will be a true shepherd.

Ephesians 2: 13-18

The author stresses that although his Gentile readers used to be very far from the Jews, Jesus, in his death, has now united the two groups so there is only one humanity in Christ.

Mark 6: 30-34
In the prelude to the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus is cast in the role prophesied by Jeremiah: he is the shepherd who leads his disciples to pasture and a place of repose near restful waters.

Amos 7: 12-15
Amos is not a religious careerist.  He is answering God’s command.

Ephesians 1: 3-14

With great eloquence Paul describes the blessings God has showered on us.

Mark 6: 7-13
The mission to go out and preach the Gospel is a two-way street.  Go out to people with good news and the people will receive you.

Ezekiel 2: 2-5
Ezekiel the prophet will speak God’s word to the people even if they refuse to listen

2 Corinthians 12: 7-10
Paul boasts of his weakness, for God can still work through him.

Mark 6: 1-6
Jesus, despite his wisdom, is rejected in his home town; for that is how prophets are treated.