Wisdom 7: 7-11
Wealth, gold and riches are nothing compared to the love of God and the wisdom to know what is important in life. 

Hebrews 4: 12-13
God knows who we really are and what are hearts truly love. There is no hiding place. 

Mark 10: 17-30
People who are wealthy find it difficult to trust in God rather than in money. 

Genesis 2: 18-24
The creation story in Genesis teaches us the equality of man and woman. 

Hebrews 2: 9-11
To save us from sin and death, Jesus endures the sufferings that these evils bring.  Now risen, he is our hope of glory. 

Mark 10: 2-16
In the debate about marriage and divorce, Jesus directs our minds and hearts to issues of justice and respect for one another. 

Wisdom 2:12. 17-20
This is written in the form of a speech by those who in their defiance of God are determined to persecute the virtuous whose lives they see as a reproach to their own. 

James 3: 16-4:3
Peace comes from true wisdom; the cause of strife are found in ourselves.The remedy is selfless prayer. 

Mark 9: 30-37
There is a stark contrast between Jesus who predicts his passion and the disciples who vie with each other over power. 

Wisdom 2:12. 17-20
This is written in the form of a speech by those who in their defiance of God are determined to persecute the virtuous whose lives they see as a reproach to their own. 

James 3: 16-4:3
Peace comes from true wisdom; the cause of strife are found in ourselves.The remedy is selfless prayer. 

Mark 9: 30-37
There is a stark contrast between Jesus who predicts his passion and the disciples who vie with each other over power. 

Isaiah 50: 5-9
God’s servant suffers every indignity but continues to trust in God. 

James 2: 14-18
Faith that does not prove itself in deeds, especially to our neighbour in need, is dead and useless. 

Mark 8:27-35
The disciples discover that Jesus is the Messiah; he reveals that as disciples they must be ready to follow him in carrying the cross.