On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we enter the special time of Lent known as ‘Passiontide’.  Today we hear the Gospel about Lazarus who comes back from the dead. Like the Samaritan woman, and the blind man healed by Jesus, this Gospel is about those who come to faith after being enlightened by Christ. Jesus prays that the Father might cause everyone ‘to believe’ that it was God who sent him, and that everyone might believe through the miracle he works. Christ, our Saviour, is the one who came to seek out and save that which was lost, and call back to life those who were dead.

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as 'Laetare Sunday'. Today is one of two days when we use rose coloured vestments - a lighter shade of the darker purple which signifies our joy and hope. Right now, there is much to hope for and much to pray for. This has been the saddest Lent I have ever known, but even now we see much goodness and kindness all around us, it can really lift our spirits. Today is also Mothering Sunday. Although the people cannot come to church today, we still want to extend our greetings and love to all the mums of the parish, as we know you all do the same. Please try to say some prayers at home, follow our Masses on the website at 10am if you can. We miss you all - we send you our prayers and love.

Today, on the Third Sunday of Lent, we hear the magnificent Gospel passage about the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. In her encounter with Christ, the woman comes to faith. She then spreads the message about Jesus to everyone she knows. Ultimately, they all come to believe in Christ whom they declare, 'the Saviour of the world.' May our faith also spread among others so that they too might come to believe and be saved.

The Church stands in solidarity with all European citizens who have made their homes here in Britain - they are a valued part of our parishes, schools and communities. For this reason, we would like to highlight this information for the attention of parishioners who may be affected: All EU, EEA and Swiss citizens living in the UK are required by the UK government to apply through its Settlement Scheme to continue living, working and accessing services here. Details and links to the application process can be found at: Information on assistance for those who may have difficulty applying is available at: The deadline for the scheme is 30th June 2021.

Today on the First Sunday of Lent we hear about Jesus's experience in the wilderness. In this Year of the Word, we are asked to listen more carefully to God who speaks to us. In Lent we are invited to join Jesus in the wilderness in order to really hear what God is saying. This can be an uncomfortable challenge when sometimes we come face to face with our real selves, along with all the attachments and ambitions that seek to rule us. Like Christ, let us rely on the power of the Word of God to overcome every temptation. Please pray for the Rev. Matthew Harbage who will be licensed as the Vicar of St Paul's Church of England Parish this week. We wish him well as he begins his new ministry.

This week the season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Please see the attached sheet for the details of events and opportunities this Lent. Please bear in mind, however, that Lent is not all about ‘extra activities’ or doing more religious things—it is about interior conversion. This can come about in the simplest and most unexpected ways. The key is to listen. One suggestion for the Year of the Word: read Mark’s Gospel in one or two sittings. It is short, snappy and completely transforming. Jesus’s words there will speak to you. The tools for Lent are prayer, fasting and giving alms. Let us make a good beginning together!

Many thanks to everyone who came to celebrate our parish feast day last Tuesday - it was a truly memorable evening. I would also like to thank everyone who supported it and contributed towards our celebration in any way. It was also lovely to award the Benemerenti medal, on behalf of Pope Francis, to Dorothy Landi in recognition of her seventy years of service to the parish and particularly our choir. As I mentioned in my homily, we are looking towards the centenary of the parish in 2023 and there will be much to think and pray about as we approach that important anniversary.

In our Gospel this Sunday Jesus tells us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  In other words to bring others into that relationship with Jesus that we enjoy.  The thing about salt and light is that they do not draw attention to themselves.  Salt, when used well, isn’t noticed, it just brings out the flavour of the food.  Light is only noticed in the way that it makes the things on which it falls glow.  This week our parish celebrates it’s patronal feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.  May Our Lady by the example of her ‘yes’ to God and by her prayers and maternal care help each and every one of us to be salt of the earth and light of the world.

Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord—also known as ‘Candlemas’. This is the fortieth day since Christmas and marks the day when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be presented in the Temple. They met the prophets Simeon and Anna who had wisdom to recognise the light of God which had entered into the night time of human history. Today at the 9.45am Mass we will hold the traditional blessing of candles associated with this feast. Candlemas is also the World Day for Consecrated Life. Let us keep all consecrated men and women in our prayers, and we pray especially for the religious in our own parish, deanery and diocese.

Today is the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - now also known as the Sunday of the Word of God. If you remembered to bring a bible from home or school, these will be blessed during every Sunday Mass as we mark this new feast celebrated during the Year of the Word. Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, known as 'Candlemas'. This feast marks the day when Mary and Joseph presented the baby Jesus in the Temple - it is a celebration of the light entering our darkness. The solemn Mass will be at 9.45am when we will bless the candles to be used in the coming year.

We will celebrate our patronal feast on Tuesday 11th February. We are holding a special Mass in the church at 7.30pm, followed by a parish party in the hall afterwards. I do hope as many of you as possible can be there to celebrate our parish feast. (There will be no 10am Mass because we are holding our deanery conference in the morning).

Now we return to the Season of Ordinary Time, although the mysteries of the Nativity and Epiphany continue to shine until the Feast of the Lord's Presentation (Candlemas) on 2nd February. Next weekend sees a brand new feast in the Church's calendar: the Sunday of the Word of God. Last year, in his Apostolic Constitution 'Aperuit illis,'  Pope Francis established the new celebration. This is particularly appropriate for us in England given that we are celebrating our 'Year of the Word'.  Next weekend, everyone is invited to bring your Bibles from home to be blessed at Mass—please don’t forget!