Genesis 14: 18-20
Melchizedek, king and priest, brought bread and wine.

1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
St Paul describes the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper

Luke 9: 11-17
From five loaves and two fish the crowd ate as much as they wanted, and the scraps filled twelve baskets.

Proverbs 8: 22-31
The Wisdom of God came into being before creation as a master craftsman, delighting in the divine presence.


Romans 5: 1-5
Our faith in Jesus Christ brings us peace with God and we experience God’s love which has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.


John 16: 12-15
Jesus tells us that everything the Father has is his, and promises the coming of the Spirit of truth.

Acts 2: 1-11
When the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles, people from all over the world heard the good news proclaimed in their own language.

Romans 8: 8-17
The spirit of God raises us to new life as children of God.

John 14: 15-16. 23-26
Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will remain with the disciples, to teach them and remind them of all he has taught.

Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29

As the first communities of Christians are formed, we hear how differences of opinion emerge, and how they are worked through: by argument, consultation and attentive listening to the Holy Spirit.


Apocalypse 21: 10-14, 22-23

The Lord prepares for all his people a radiant and peaceful future in the new Jerusalem.  In the Spirit we catch a glimpse of this promise.


John 14: 23-29

As Jesus prepares to leave his friends, he promises that the Spirit will be given them, and will bring peace and courage in all the difficulties and uncertainties that lie ahead.

Acts 14: 21-27

Paul and Barnabas consolidate the early Christian communities, encouraging them to persevere.


Apocalypse 21: 1-5

John describes his vision of the end of time, when God will make all things new.


John 13: 31-35

Jesus’ legacy to his disciples: love one anther as I have loved you.