Acts 5: 27-32, 40-41

Peter puts obedience to God before obedience to men.


Apocalypse 5: 11-14

The Lamb that was sacrificed and conquered is worthy of universal worship.


John 21: 1-19

The risen Christ empowers his disciples and calls Peter to a new mission.

Acts 10:34, 37-43

St Peter is a witness to the risen Christ


Colossians 3: 1-4

St Paul explains how baptism makes us sharers in the resurrection, and gives us a new mindset.


John 20: 1-9

Mary Magdalene and the disciples begin to understand that the Lord is risen.

Isaiah 50: 4-7

The prophet’s words fall as if from the lips of Jesus himself.


Philippians 2: 6-11

St Paul extols the glory of Christ’s incarnation and crucifixion, through which God raised him high to be worshipped and acclaimed.


Luke 22 14 – 23.56

Luke tells the story of Christ’s passion, from the Last Supper to his burial.

Isaiah 43: 16-21

The Lord is always seeking to do good for his people.


Philippians 3: 8-14

Perfection comes from Christ, not through our own efforts.  Yet we still strive our utmost to capture the prize Christ Jesus won for us.


John 8: 1-11

Jesus does not condemn.  He calls us to sin no more.

First Reading.  Joshua 5: 9-12

After their having escaped from slavery and sin in Egypt, the Lord prepares a feast for his long-lost children in the promised land.


Second Reading.  2 Corinthians 5: 17-21

St Paul meditates on the reconciling work of Christ, and reminds us that we are God’s fellow workers.


Gospel.  Luke 15: 1-3, 11-12

God’s power is made manifest in mercy.  Divine love brings about moral and physical resurrection.