Acts 1: 1-11
Jesus ascends into heaven.

Ephesians 1: 17-23
Paul prays that the Christians in Ephesus may receive the Holy Spirit.

Luke 24: 46-53
Jesus promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit who would empower them to spread the Good News of his resurrection.

Acts 15:1-2. 22-29
After the great council of Jerusalem, Paul and Barnabas continue to work for the inclusion of the Gentiles in the new covenant.

Apocalypse 21: 10-14. 22-23

The apostle John shares his great vision of heaven, where Christ will reign for ever and we shall see God face to face.

John 14: 23-29

Jesus teaches his apostles that they will become temples of the Holy Trinity, and the Holy Spirit will be the guiding light of the Church.

Acts 14: 21-27
Paul and Barnabas complete their missionary journey and put fresh heart into the followers of the Lord.

Apocalypse 21: 1-5
In faith we see the God who wipes all tears away.

John 13: 31-35
We are to love as Christ loves us.

Acts 13:14. 43-52
The Preaching of Paul and Barnabas is well received by the Jewish community in Antioch, but their leaders are so opposed to it that Paul directs his mission instead to the pagans.

Apocalypse 7:9. 14-17
In his vision of heaven, John sees a huge crowd standing before the throne of God.  These will have the Lamb as their shepherd who will lead them to living water.

John 10: 27-30
The sheep entrusted to Jesus by the Father listen to his voice and are kept safe for eternal life.

Acts 5:27-32, 40-41
The apostles obeyed God by continuing to teach and preach in the name of Jesus in spite of a warning from the Sanhedrin.

Apocalypse 5: 11-14
The Lamb that was sacrificed is given glory by heavenly hosts, by humanity and by the whole of creation.

John 21: 1-19
Jesus appears to the disciples while they are fishing, and the catch is bountiful after he instructs them.  They are recommissioned to be his witnesses in the world.