Mass Times


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Of course, many of us pray the rosary as part of our own devotions, but if you would like to join your prayer with others (and remember, Our Lord said: 'where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them' Matthew 18:20) then would you consider starting a new rosary prayer group at our church. Sadly, Norah Curtin, for many years the mainstay of our rosary group, has died, so we would like someone new to take on the mantle and begin regular rosary meetings. If you are interested, please speak to one of the priests or the parish office.

Those who are unwell, including:  
Lawrence Robinson, John Butterworth, Kath Joyce, Phyllis Morgan-Fann, Claudia Heim, Eileen Nagle,  Audrey Dowling, Luisa Busandri, Martin Donoghue, Theresa Dillon, Daya and Jasmine Amole, John Keane, Lucy Jones Marian Trapani, Megan O’Brien, Hannah Fennell, Alison Hughes , Fr Tom Egan and Terry Bright.

All those who have died recently, including:
Sofia Carroz, Geoff Smale, Frankie Downing and Jean McCreach.

Acts 1: 1-11
The apostles stand on the road but the road is for travelling, not for standing still on.

Ephesians 1: 17-23
Paul calls us to see what can be, not just what is.

Matthew 28: 16-20
Whatever will happen in the future, whatever days you have to come, you may be sure of one thing: Jesus will be with you.

Acts 6: 1-7
The ministry of deacons is established for the care of those who are poor in order to free the apostles for the ministry of the word.

1 Peter 2: 4-9
Close to Jesus, we are a holy priesthood, offering with Jesus the spiritual sacrifices he has made acceptable to God.

John 14: 1-12
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  He leads us to the Father’s house, where there is a place for all of us.